La questione delle accuse di plagio nei confronti di Shia LaBeouf sta assumendo dei contorni paradossali, se non addirittura patetici.

Un paio di giorni fa vi abbiamo proposto un dettagliato resoconto di come il suo cortometraggio, presentato l'anno scorso al festival di Cannes, sia quasi un'esatta copia del fumetto Justin M. Damiano pubblicato da Daniel Clowes nel 2007.

Clowes ha ora intenzione di portare l'attore in tribunale, ma i problemi per LaBeouf sono destinati a continuare, a prescindere dalla causa che verrà intentata contro di lui dal fumettista.

Buzz Feed e lo scrittore di fumetti Josh Farkas hanno infatti continuato a scavare fra le opere del nostro e hanno scoperto che i suoi fumetti Let's Fucking Party e Stale N Mate contengono dei passaggi "presi in prestito" da Charles Bukowski e Benoît Duteurtre.

In calce trovate le varie vignette seguite dagli estratti originali dei due scrittori che LaBeouf ha omesso di citare:



Benoît Duteurtre's "The Little Girl and the Cigarette” – Page 10: 

"Seemingly indifferent to the fate that awaited him, Désiré Johnson continued to look obstinate. In the antechamber of the execution room, a silent exchange pitted the condemned man,a tall young black man, very calm under his dreadlocks, against the director of the institution, a Vietnamese law-school graduate, recently promoted to the directorship of this ultramodern prison to ensure that a dozen capital executions were smoothly carried out there every year." 



Benoît Duteurtre's "The Little Girl and the Cigarette”: 

"Désiré Johnson followed his guards towards death row, in a direction that he was the first to take. As he was returning to life, all he did was mumble, as if other people were trying as hard as they could to complicate his life:“I wasn’t asking for much.””



Assault by Charles Bukowski: 

Lorca was shot down in the road but here

in America the poets never anger anybody. 

the poets don’t gamble. 

their poetry has the smell of clinics. 

their poetry has the smell of clinics. 

where people die rather then live. 

here they don’t assassinate the poets

they don’t even notice the poets. 



Duteurtre: "Unaware of the debate that was going on in the wings, these individuals patiently awaited the beginning of the spectacle.” 

A questo punto LaBeouf è tornato a scusarsi su Twitter con due twittate… copiate dalle parole di "mea culpa" di Tiger Woods e del Generale McNamara.